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[22.10.01.] 영어스터디-중급 TED : Inside the mind of a master procrastinator ( https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinator ) Question 1. Are you a master Procrastinator? 2-1. If yes, do you suffer from finishing your task before deadline? 2-2. If no, What's your strategy for finishing your work in time with no hurry? 3. Whoever the person you are(pro pricrastinator / pro organizer), are y..
[22.09.24.] 영어스터디-중급 TED : 3 tips for leaders to get the future of work right ( https://www.ted.com/talks/debbie_lovich_3_tips_for_leaders_to_get_the_future_of_work_right ) Question 1. What kind of work do you think is the most influential factor in efficiency? Why? 2. Which do you think is better, maintaining the old established method or challenging a new method? 3. What are the qualities of a leader in your opini..
[22.08.27.] 영어스터디-중급 TED : The bad math of the fossil fuel industry ( https://www.ted.com/talks/tzeporah_berman_the_bad_math_of_the_fossil_fuel_industry ) Question 1. Do you think winding down the fossil fuel production need to be forced these days? 2. Probably you have heard of renewable energy(wind power, solar power etc) from long long time ago. What do you think of the reasons that we can't find those easily aro..
[22.08.20.] 영어스터디-중급 TED : Are Mushrooms the new plastic? ( https://www.ted.com/talks/eben_bayer_are_mushrooms_the_new_plastic ) Question 1. Is it faster to discover substances that replace plastic, or is it fater to completely break down plastic? Why? 2. Explain examples of proprietary materials such as plastic and their ends. (What was replaced, if not, how it was discontinued) 3. What's the downside of a perfect ..
[여름휴가] 영어스터디-중급 2022.08.01. ~ 2022.08.15. 까지 여름휴가 기간으로 정해졌습니다😆😆 무더운 여름 잘 쉬고 다음 스터디인 2022.08.20. 요때 돌아올게요!!🔥🔥