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[22.08.27.] 영어스터디-중급

TED : The bad math of the fossil fuel industry
( https://www.ted.com/talks/tzeporah_berman_the_bad_math_of_the_fossil_fuel_industry )


1. Do you think winding down the fossil fuel production need to be forced these days?
2. Probably you have heard of renewable energy(wind power, solar power etc) from long long time ago. 
What do you think of the reasons that we can't find those easily around us?
3. If you can't use fossil fuel anymore, what kind of energy will you adopt?


1. In my opinion, It is inevitable that humans reduce the use of fossil fuels. because the use of fossil fuels has a negative effect in many ways.
2. Maybe It seems to be that the usually people is not in an environment shere they have access to renewable energy.


hardly : 거의 ~가 아닌 ( = scarely, barely )
inevitable : 필연적인
an independent student organization : 자치기구

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