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[22.10.01.] 영어스터디-중급

TED : Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
( https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinator )



1. Are you a master Procrastinator?
2-1. If yes, do you suffer from finishing your task before deadline?
2-2. If no, What's your strategy for finishing your work in time with no hurry?
3. Whoever the person you are(pro pricrastinator / pro organizer), are you satisfied with who you are? If not, do you have
    any plan for the change?


1. No, I am perfectly precrastinator. Usually I plan daily schedule, todo-list, and montly schedule.
2-2. I have unique strategy. It is scheduled task to task, time to time, and never allow immediate appointment.
       So, my schedule does not delayed.
3. My people always said on me, "Hey Jaehoon Your life is so tired. You're not robot.. I bet yu must need to be rest!"
    But my characteristic cna not stay same situation longtime. So I statisfied my life and style. 


procrastinator : 미루는 사람
precrasitnator : 계획대로 하는 사람
I bet : 장담컨데
A quasi-scitific explanation : 유사과학적 설명

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