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[22.07.23.] 영어스터디-중급

TED : How to build (and rebuild) trust


  1. Are you a person who trust others easily?
  2. Do you have your own method to build trust on others?
  3. Do you have any experience of terminating relationship recently? (wheter it was by your intention or not)


  1. In my think I like to deal with people in many ways. cause of my characteristic I get people trust easily.
  2. From now on, it is my own way. First, I give owns like my money, my time, my effort, etc.. any others. Then overtime people become more comfortable with me and show an honest attitude towards me. Second, if they show ans trusty attitude. From then I give trust over 100%. Finally I have trusty relationship in around. This 3 step is my unique method to build trust on others.
  3. Recently, I don't have to terminate others relationship. In the past, exactly when I was 20, 21 years old. I have experience to terminate others relationship. At that time, I met a him in a college. he has very passionate characteristic. but some kind of incident, I fought him. That lead to broken relationship.


lead to : ~로 이어지다.
At that time : 그때 당시
From now on : 지금부터
From then~ : 그때부터~
Suspicious : 의심스러운
play trick : 장난을 치다(=pull a joke)

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